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Orange Niger raises financing of 31 billion FCFA for the modernization of its network

Orange Niger raises financing of 31 billion FCFA for the modernization of its network

Orange NigerS.A. and Coris Bank International Niger announce today the signature of a financing agreement for an amount of FCFA.

The funds thus raised will be used to finance Orange Niger’s investment plan for the 2020 financial year, in particular

  • Acquisition of the 4G license
  • Modernization and extension of the network
  • The deployment of 4G and 4G+ technologies

With this ambitious modernization program, Orange Niger is thus decisively strengthening its network coverage, while commissioning the first 4G+ network in Niger by the end of 2020.

This is the meaning of the words of Mr. Souleymane Diallo, Managing Director of Orange Niger, who declared “We are very happy and proud to have been able to conclude such an important financing agreement with Coris Bank International. strength of our recovery plan put in place since the takeover of Orange Niger by Zamani Com S.A.S. in November 2019, and which is already reflected in significant growth in all our indicators. Our objective is clear, we want to be the reference digital operator in Niger, and this requires upgrading your network with the latest technologies. our new brand.

This operation is therefore fully in line with the operator’s growth strategy for the coming years, but also in line with the positioning of Coris Bank International, which has been present on the local financial market for barely a year and is already very active. on large-scale structured support and innovation at the service of its customers and partners, as announced by the General Manager, Mrs. Rakiatou IdéIssaka: « in a context where the telecoms sector is experiencing strong technological changes with significant development challenges, this strategic partnership with our bank, Coris Bank International, will enable us to strengthen the relationship of trust and consolidate the local commercial dynamic. Our ambitions for Niger are strong and they cover in the short and medium term the extension of the distribution network; commitment to the digital transformation of processes, products and services; the launch of the Islamic branch; subsidiarization and ISO certification of the Quality Management System« .

About Coris Bank International

Coris Bank International Branch of Niger is an entity of the Coris Group, of which it shares the solid financial base, the capital diversified know-how and the tools of modern expertise.

Ranked 7th Banking Group in the sub-region by the WAMU Banking Commission in its 2018 report, the Group is present in the banking market with the strong vision of actively participating in the socio-economic development of African countries. Thus, Coris Bank International (C B I) invests in the development and fulfillment of the populations of the countries in which it operates through the support of various projects. The banking and financial group with a pan-African vocation, whose capital is held by a majority shareholder from WAEMU, is now present in seven countries of the Union and will soon launch its activities in Guinea Conakry. Its areas of intervention are diversified and are structured around two umbrellas:

  • CORIS HOLDING SA, a financial company approved by the WAEMU Banking Commission, which supervises the poles:
    • Bank (Seven banks that are CBI Benin, CBI Burkina Faso, CBI Côte d’Ivoire, CBI Mali, CBI Branch Niger, CBI Senegal, CBI Togo and soon CBI Guinea Conakry)
    • Islamic Finance (six branches Coris Bank International BARAKA)
    • Mesofinance (Coris Mesofinance)
  • CORIS INVEST GROUP, which oversees the financial division comprising:
    • Insurance (Coris Insurance IARD and Coris Life insurance)
    • Life insurance
    • Asset Management(Coris Asset Management)
    • Service Intermediation (SDI)
    • Investment and Consulting (Coris Capital)

On August 26, Coris Bank International won the prize for the best bank in West Africa at the African Banker Trophies.

Press contacts:

Orange Niger : Alhassan RONI -90232409

Coris Bank International : Ismael TOURE – 90232028